A great treatment, especially for those dogs with recurring tear stains. Both will add moisture back into the fur making it Oh so soft and smells absolutely wonderful!
A great treatment, especially for those dogs with recurring tear stains. Both will add moisture back into the fur making it Oh so soft and smells absolutely wonderful!
Express glands & freshen fur-whew! The glands need to be checked and/or expressed with each groom. Especially with smaller breeds as they are the most susceptible.
Holistic Shampoo & Conditioner Full Brush - Removal of Excess Fur Full Service Style Cut Hand Blow Dry Hand Scissor Finish Express Anal Glands Ear Cleaning Nail Filing Bath Spritz & Bandanna
We File your pets nails. No clipping or cracking. It is much safe and not traumatic as clipping can be.
Clean paws, trim hair from bottom of pads. Then massage pads with an intense moisturizer made specifically for their pads to relive dryness, cracks and hardness.
Spa Quality Bath - Holistic Shampoo & Conditioner Full Brush - Removal of Excess Fur Hand Scissor Trim for Feet, Face and Pads Hand Blow Dry Ear Cleaning Nail Filing Bow or Bandana (optional S
For special needs ie. Specialized equipment for seniors, dementia, etc.
Holistic All Natural Tooth Paste